Watch this video to be informed:

What is forced Organ Harvesting in China?

How does it differ from transplant systems in other countries?

What is the evidence for this crime?

China Tribunal Short Film

In 2020, the China Tribunal, an independent people´s tribunal chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice KC, reviewed all available evidence.

Watch the short film to find out more.

Forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale and Falun Gong practitioners have been one – and probably the main – source of organ supply. 
The vulnerability of the Uyghurs to being used as a bank of organs is also obvious.

Sir Geoffrey Nice KC,
China Tribunal Judgment, 2020

Forced organ harvesting in China targets a number of ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities such as Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Muslims and Christians held in detention in different locations.

12 UN Special Rapporteurs and human rights experts, 2021

Questions and Answers

Forced organ harvesting (FOH) is a form of organ trafficking in which people are killed for their organs to be removed for transplantation. The Chinese Government operates a multi-billion-dollar murder for organs Industry.

In the 1980s China was using organs from death row prisoners, a practice that was widely condemned. Since 1999, Falun Gong (Buddhist qigong & meditation) practitioners have been the main victim group with 60 to 100 thousand transplants taking place each year.  Since 2017, Uyghurs (a predominantly Muslim Turkic ethnic group) and other minorities from East Turkistan have been incarcerated in vast numbers. Evidence is building that they are now also killed for their organs by the Chinese Communist Party. Both Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs are forced to undergo organ scans in detention to test the health of their organs.

Tibetans have been persecuted by the Chinese Regime for many years and it is believed that they may also have been drawn into the victim pool along with House Christians and others.

FALUN GONG PRACTITIONERS – Falun Gong is a meditation practice in the Buddhist tradition based on ancient Chinese traditions of health and self-improvement that follows the guiding principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. The Falun Gong community became victims from 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party started a campaign of persecution.

UYGHURS – Uyghurs are ethnically and culturally a Turkic people living in areas of Central Asia including Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region/East Turkestan in north-western China. Uyghurs are predominantly Sunni Muslims, and practice a moderate form of Islam and lead mainly secular lives. In 2017 Uyghurs began to be incarcerated in vast numbers with reports emerging of forced organ scans in detention.

The proof that China operates a program of forced organ harvesting is overwhelming.

In 2020, the China Tribunal reviewed extensive evidence. It concluded that “beyond a reasonable doubt,… in China forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has been practiced for a substantial period of time involving a very substantial number of victims.“

More recently, twelve UN Special Rapporteurs and human rights experts issued a joint correspondence to the Chinese Government regarding credible evidence that the practice is taking place. Read the press release here and the full correspondence issued to China (here).

Learn more
about the issue of live Forced Organ Harvesting in China

This global petition provides a path forward; allowing every one of us to speak as one voice, calling upon our elected officials and the international community to save lives and end our collusion with China’s mass murder for organs.

Visit the DAFOH and ETAC websites to read the latest news on the issue including global developments, reports, academic papers, and legislation.

Explore the China Tribunal website and read the Judgment.