Initiating Organisations

Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) is an independent medical ethics advocacy organisation that was founded by medical doctors to voluntarily serve the medical community as well as the public. DAFOH respects the dignity of human beings and promotes the highest ethical standards in medicine.

DAFOH’s mission is to provide the medical community and society with objective findings of unethical and illegal forced organ harvesting, which is the removal of organs from a donor, without obtaining prior free and voluntary consent and results in the death of the organ donor. Forced organ harvesting is considered a crime against humanity, as well as a threat to medical science in general. DAFOH has been chartered as a contribution to humankind to protect ethical medical practices to further human dignity and to bring this medical atrocity to an end.

The International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC) is a coalition of lawyers, academics, ethicists, medical professionals, researchers, and human rights advocates dedicated to ending forced organ harvesting in China. ETAC is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organisation and has become a leading international organisation on the issue of forced organ harvesting in China.

The principal object for which ETAC has been established is to advance and promote the education of human rights and values with the goal of ending human rights violations associated with organ trafficking involving forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China and seeking justice for the victims of forced organ harvesting.

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